Sixth Conference: Monitoring and water analysis. Methods for the determination of ionic compounds
Sixth Scientific Conference “Monitoring and water analysis. Methods for the determination of ionic substances” will be organised in Daglezja Hotel, Parkowa 2 St., 87-134 in Przysiek near Toruń at March 10-12, 2019.
Conference topics will cover a wide range of problems related to the theory and practice from the field of ion chromatography and electromigration techniques. The main aim of this event is to meet analysts’ from universities, research institutes, sanitary-epidemiological stations, inspectorates of environmental protection and industrial laboratories associated with the production of water, power, pharmaceuticals, chemical industry and others.
The conference is dedicated to current and potential users of ion chromatographs and electromigration techniques. The conference program will be reach and very attractive which enable the participants to extend and share the knowledge and experience among the people connected with the monitoring and water analysis issues.
Registration form should be sent to:
Dr. Joanna Rudnicka
Chair of Environmental Chemistry & Bioanalytics,
Faculty of Chemistry NCU, 7 Gagarin St., 87-100 Toruń
phone +48 (56) 6656039, +48 (56) 6656064, fax +48 (56) 6114837, e-mail:
Before 31.01.2019 After 01.02.2019
350 PLN 450 PLN – full participation
250 PLN 350 PLN – accompanying person
150 PLN 250 PLN – PhD students
Prices does not include 23% VAT. The Conference fee includes: registration fee, conference proceedings, refreshments, lunch, exhibition. Fee does not include the cost of accommodation and travel.
The fee must be paid to the account:
PTChem-Chemicus, 16 Freta St., PL-00 227 Warszawa, NIP: 525 257 65 35,
BGŻ S.A. IV Branch in Warszawa, 10/16 Kasprzaka St., PL-01 211 Warszawa
Account no.: PL 21 2030 0045 1110 0000 0320 9360 with the note – Jonowka
Daglezja Hotel is the main conference’ hotel.
2 Parkowa St., PL-87 134 Przysiek
Reception of Daglezja Hotel:
phone: +48 56 678 92 42
There is a discount for conference participants by using entry code: “6th Scientific Conference Monitoring and Water Analysis”. Please book your room via email:
Participants are required to handle the accommodation by their own and pay for it directly in the hotel!
Abstract should be submitted in electronic form (MS Word) until 31 January 2019 via email:
Abstract (one page A4) should be written using font 12 Times New Roman, single spaced. Title: capital letters. Author (s): surname after name initials; in the case of coauthors should be underline name of the author presenting the results. Address of the author (s): give the full postal and electronic address. Abstract should be submitted in electronic form (MS Word).
In case of any other further questions please do not hesitate to contact the organizing committee:
Dr. Tomasz Kowalkowski, DSc., Chairman, phone: +48 (056) 6656064 or Dr. Joanna Rudnicka, phone: +48 56 6656039 tel./fax +48 56 6114837.
Chairman of the Scientific Committee: Prof. zw. dr hab. Bogusław Buszewski