Excellence Initiative - Research University
Contact ul. Gagarina 7, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611-43-02
fax: +48 56 611-45-26
e-mail: wydzial@chem.umk.pl

Summer Camps and Schools

Toruń Students Summer Program in Natural Sciences 2024

Faculty of Biological and Veterinary Sciences, Faculty of Chemistry, and Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland, are pleased to welcome applications for the 2023 edition of the TSSP NatSci program. TSSP NatSci is an opportunity for students interested in Natural Sciences to lead a 4-week-long summer research project.

The main component of the summer program is active participation in the implementation of selected research projects offered by the staff members of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. Interested students are welcome to contact possible advisors for more details concerning the foreseen projects and discuss the dates that the project could be undertaken. Apart from the projects, once a week we will organize an invited lecture for the entire group. We will also offer short trips/sightseeing in the Toruń area on selected weekends (depending on the pandemic situation). All students will be asked to give 15-minute presentations about the results of their projects at the end of their stay in Toruń.

Projects performed at the Faculty of Chemistry:

The list of participants: https://tssp.umk.pl/natsci/participants.html

More information is available on the Program website.

Toruń Students Summer Program in Natural Sciences 2023

Faculty of Biological and Veterinary Sciences, Faculty of Chemistry, and Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland, are pleased to welcome applications for the 2023 edition of the TSSP NatSci program. TSSP NatSci is an opportunity for students interested in Natural Sciences to lead a 4-week-long summer research project.

The main component of the summer program is an active participation in the implementation of selected research projects offered by the staff members of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. Interested students are welcome to contact possible advisors for more details concerning the foreseen projects and discuss the dates that the project could be undertaken. Apart from the projects, once a week we will organize an invited lecture for the entire group. We will also offer short trips / sightseeing in the Toruń area on selected weekends (depending on the pandemic situation). All students will be asked to give 15-minute presentations about the results of their projects at the end of their stay in Toruń.

Projects performed at the Faculty of Chemistry:

We kindly ask all interested students to provide us with the following information in English or Polish:

  1. Application form;
  2. Curriculum Vitae (max. 4 pages);
  3. Motivation letter (max. 1 page) containing the title(s) of the project(s) they would like to contribute to
  4. Consent to personal data processing.
  5. Optional: letter of recommendation, e.g. from their scientific advisor, staff member from their institute, former internship advisor, etc.
  6. Proof of student status.

Complete applications should be sent to natsci [at] umk.pl before the deadline of April 20th, 2022, 14:00 CET (extended: May 10th, 2023). The results of the selection procedure will be announced on the 24th of May, 2023.

More information and the application form are available on the Application website.

Let’s meet at the NCU! Summer Camp 4-22 July 2022

Are you a FOREIGNER (do not have Polish citizenship)?


Are you very interested in your field of study or related sciences?

Our Summer Camp is for YOU!!!

We invite you to the Summer Camp for International Students and PhD Students:

Learn, discover, enjoy – Summer Camp at NCU

Program for Module 3 (Exact and Natural Sciences): Science Cross Borders: Drugs Design & Testing

July 4th-22nd, 2022

All this is waiting for you in July 2022!            You can apply until May 27th, 2022.

More information and recruitment: https://letsmeetatncu.umk.pl/pages/module-3/

Toruń Students Summer Program in Natural Sciences 2022

Faculty of Biological and Veterinary Sciences, Faculty of Chemistry, and Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland, are pleased to welcome applications for the 2022 edition of the TSSP NatSci program. TSSP NatSci is an opportunity for students interested in Natural Sciences to lead a 4-week-long summer research project in one of the following areas (the list is not complete): biochemistry, biology, biotechnology, chemical sciences, Earth sciences, environmental protection, geography, spatial management, tourism, veterinary.

Projects performed at the Faculty of Chemistry:

Completed applications should be sent to natsci [at] umk.pl before the deadline of May 8th, 2022, 14:00 CET (extended: May 16th, 2022).

For the details and application, see the Summer Program website

Toruń Students Summer Program in Natural Sciences 2021

Faculty of Biological and Veterinary Sciences, Faculty of Chemistry, and Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland, are pleased to welcome applications for the 2021 edition of the TSSP NatSci program. TSSP NatSci is an opportunity for students interested in Natural Sciences to lead a 4-week-long summer research project in one of the following areas (the list is not complete):
chemical sciences
Earth sciences
environmental protection
spatial management

For the details, see the Summer Program website

Summer Chem Camp

8th – 28th July 2019 Toruń, Poland

Education Programme:

Turistic Programme:

POLAND – lovely country located in the middle of Europe offers a lot of amazing places to see, and we will show you some of them.

Recreational activities:

Useful information:

contact: iwolak@chem.umk.pl

website: www.chem.umk.pl/en

