Excellence Initiative - Research University
Contact ul. Gagarina 7, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611-43-02
fax: +48 56 611-45-26
e-mail: wydzial@chem.umk.pl

Study plan

Semester 1

Course name ECTS Lecture (hrs) Tutorial (hrs) Laboratory (hrs) Form of crediting the course*
Mathematics 6 45 C
Informatics in chemistry (+USOS) 6 15 45 C,E
Occupational Safety, Health and Ergonomics 1 8 C
General chemistry (basic level)# 16 45 60 90 C,C,E
General chemistry (advanced level) # 17 45 60 105 C,C,E

* C – graded credit, E – examination
# – basic or advanced level

Semester 2

Course name ECTS Lecture (hrs) Tutorial (hrs) Laboratory (hrs) Form of crediting the course*
Mathematics 6 30 45 C,E
Fundamentals of analytical chemistry 12 30 15 90 C,C,E
Physics 6 30 15 30 C,C,E
Bioethics/nature philosophy**
4 30 E
University-wide course** 2-3 C/E

** – Elective course

Semester 3

Course name ECTS Lecture (hrs) Tutorial (hrs) Laboratory (hrs) Form of crediting the course*
Physical chemistry 10 30 15 45 C,C,E
Fundamentals of quantum chemistry 5 25 25 10 C,C,E
Instrumental analysis 3 30 15 C,E
Environmental chemistry and ecology
7 15 15 45 C,C,E
Applied and material chemistry 2 30 E
English in chemistry 3 60 C
Sport 30

Semester 4

Course name ECTS Lecture (hrs) Tutorial (hrs) Laboratory (hrs) Form of crediting the course*
Physical chemistry 9 45 30 45 C,C,E
Organic chemistry 4 45 15 C,C
Instrumental analysis 5 75 C,E
Chemical technology and chemical engineering
3 10 35 C,E
Course related to chemistry studies ** 2 30 C
English in chemistry 3 60 C,E
Sport 30
Professional internship 4 120 C

** list of elective courses in the study plan (pdf, 252 KB)

Semester 5

Course name ECTS Lecture (hrs) Tutorial (hrs) Laboratory (hrs) Form of crediting the course*
Inorganic chemistry 2 30 C
Organic chemistry 12 30 15 105 C,C,E
Fundamentals of the chemistry of biological processes and bioanalytics 4 30 30 C,E
Elective course**
6 25 50 C,E
Elective course** 6 25 50 C,E
Diploma project 40 C

Semester 6

Course name ECTS Lecture (hrs) Tutorial (hrs) Laboratory (hrs) Form of crediting the course*
Inorganic chemistry 10 60 90 C,E
Elective course** 6 25 50 C,E
Diploma laboratory 6 75 C
Diploma seminar
1 15 C
Diploma project 7 160 E

Documents in pdf version

Plan of studies (pdf, 252 KB)

Study programme and learning outcomes first-cycle studies (pdf, 354 KB)