Excellence Initiative - Research University
ul. Gagarina 7, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611-43-02
fax: +48 56 611-45-26
e-mail: wydzial@chem.umk.pl

Novel materials based on inorganic or composite thin films


The design, synthesis and characterization of novel materials based on copper nitride, copper oxide and zinc oxide. Synthesis and characterization of inorganic nanoparticles of controlled shape and size. Implementation of wet chemical methods for inorganic or composite thin films with optoelectronic and catalytical  properties.


Prof. dr hab Edward Szłyk, email: eszlyk@umk.pl
Dr Robert Szczęsny, email: roszcz@umk.pl

PhD Students:
Mgr Alexandra Scigała, email: a.scigala@doktorant.umk.pl
Mgr Przemysław Sędzicki, email: sedzicki@doktorant.umk.pl
mgr Malgorzata Sypniewska, email: msyp@doktorant.umk.pl


Grant in the second edition of the MINIATURA programme from the National Science Centre, 2018 (R. Szczęsny)

“Excellence Initiative – Research University” programme (pl IDUB): “Nanodimensional copper nitride for thin films fabrication”
Grants4NCUStudents, 2021-2022 (A Ścigała)


Ścigała Aleksandra, Szłyk Edward, Dobrzańska Liliana, Gregory Duncan H., Szczęsny Robert, From binary to multinary copper based nitrides: unlocking the potential of new applications, Coordination Chemistry Reviews 436 (2021) 2137913.

Szczęsny Robert, Hoang Tuan K. A., Dobrzańska Liliana, Gregory Duncan H., Solution/ammonolysis syntheses of unsupported and silica-supported copper(I) nitride nanostructures from oxidic precursors, Molecules 26(16) (2021) 4926.

Facile preparation of copper nitride powders and nanostructured films, Szczęsny Robert, Szłyk Edward, Wiśniewski Marek, Hoang Tuan K. A., Gregory Duncan H., Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 4 (2016) 5031-5037.