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Banach NAWA scholarships for foreign students

logo of the National Agency for Academic Exchange and a name of the Banach program on white background with a symbolic map of the world

International students planning to study at the NCU for a master's degree can apply for the Banach NAWA scholarship program for foreign students until 27th June 2024.  

The Banach NAWA program is a joint initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Agency for Academic Exchange implemented as part of the Polish development cooperation program, supporting the socio-economic development of developing countries by raising the level of knowledge and education of their citizens. 

Banach NAWA offers students from a selected list of countries a scholarship for second-cycle studies in Polish or English at Polish universities supervised by the Minister of Science and Higher Education. In public universities, the Program allows to study for free. Studies in Polish may be preceded by a one-year NAWA preparatory course implemented on scholarship terms.

More information on the program are on the NAWA website: https://nawa.gov.pl/en/students/foreign-students/the-banach-scholarship-programme

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