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Student Nobel Prize for Patrycja Grabowska

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Patrycja Grabowska, our chemistry master’s student, was awarded the 15th edition of the Student Nobel Prize in the special category "3W: Water-Hydrogen-Carbon".

The Student Nobel Prize is a competition organized by the Independent Students' Association (NZS). Its aim is to appreciate students who stand out for their scientific, artistic and social activities. The awards are granted in nine categories: journalism and literature, physics and astronomy, medicine and pharmacy, economic sciences, natural sciences and energy, social sciences, technical sciences, arts and social activities. "3W: Water-Hydrogen-Carbon" is an additional special category, which distinguishes people who activate various social groups for the sustainable development of the economy and responsible management of these three resources.

In this year's competition, a special prize was awarded to Patrycja Grabowska from the Faculty of Chemistry of the Nicolaus Copernicus University. In her scientific activity, the student drew attention to the 3W sector, preparing her bachelor's thesis entitled "Hybrid materials containing praseodymium oxide as effective catalysts for the process of obtaining green hydrogen". The author has developed hybrid catalysts based on perovskite-type oxides doped with praseodymium, carbon and nitrogen. Cheap, efficient and stable catalysts of this type could be used in the process of obtaining green hydrogen, the advantage of which is that it can be used as a non-emission fuel. The Student Nobel Prize is another distinction for Patrycja who last year also received an award during the 3rd 3W Congress in Warsaw and a special distinction in the "Gold Medal of Chemistry" competition.

Among the finalists in this category was also a chemistry student from our Faculty, Julia Pachniewska.


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