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Study without borders

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YUFE Student Journey is a unique opportunity to interact with more than one foreign university at the same time photo: Andrzej Romański

Classes in Paris, Madrid or Antwerp, to name but a few, are within reach thanks to the YUFE Student Journey. The programme organised by the university consortium Young University for the Future of Europe, also offers classes online.

Until 24 May, recruitment for the programme is open, thanks to which NCU students can take part in activities organised at partner universities, thus broadening their study programme or pursuing courses to deepen their other interests. The YUFE Student Journey is co-funded by European Union, which means that the offer is for free.

A catalogue of activities is available on the YUFE Virtual Campus, including academic courses in various disciplines, language classes and other opportunities to develop entrepreneurial skills or engage in pro-social activities. It is also a platform where registration takes place. Anyone who has completed at least the first semester of first-cycle studies at NCU and has a minimum of B2 proficiency in English may apply.

The YUFE Student Journey lasts a maximum of four semesters. Those who enrol will be able to attend classes from the first semester of the academic year 2024/2025. The programme can be completed in different ways: entirely online, by going to the university of your choice or by combining both options. This hybrid way allows you to travel to, for example, Maastricht and attend virtual classes in Essex or Rijeka at the same time. This is a unique opportunity to interact with more than one foreign university at the same time. 

Those who want to find out more about the offer are invited to attend in YUFE Open Days on 16 April or 13 May 2024, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Registration is required.

More details

Contact: admission_yufe@umk.pl.

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