Students at Nicolaus Copernicus University who want to get involved socially can join the Student Help Desks. Recruitment for the summer semester runs until 1 March 2024.
The Student Help Desks was established exactly for strengthening bonds between the University and social environment. Through this platform, students – supervised by researchers and teachers – share their knowledge and experience gained at the University. As a result, they answer questions and offer their advice and substantive support. Student Help Desks' activities are also a way of strengthening ties with local communities and learning about their needs and concerns.
Student Help Desks provide an opportunity to develop transversal competencies useful in everyday life, such as critical thinking, conflict resolution, active listening or empathy, as well as the chance to obtain the YUFE Civic Star certificate. In the Help Desk of their choice, students can share their knowledge and skills with residents of our region by providing counselling and support or leading workshops, thereby improving in the discipline they study and developing their academic interests.
In the summer semester, supplementary recruitment is ongoing for 10 Help Desks: Legal Help Desk, Water Help Desk, Health Help Desk, Teaching Help Desk, Family Counselling Centre, Design Help Desk, Equality Counselling Centre, Patent Help Desk, WWW Help Desk and Information Help Desk.
Enrolment in the NCU Student Help Desks runs until 1 March 2024 via Virtual Campus: For more information about the NCU Student Help Desks, please visit or contact Natalia Jaworańska from the Department of International Partnerships and Educational Mobility (