Excellence Initiative - Research University
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Highly scored publications

Zdjęcie ilustracyjne

It is our great pleasure to inform about another three highly scored publications by our faculty members: Dr. Hab. Joanna Kujawa, NCU Prof., Dr. Hab Ewa Olewnik-Kruszkowska, NCU Prof.,  Prof. Dr. Hab Wojciech Kujawski, Prof. Dr. Hab Stanisław Koter, Prof. Dr. Hab Artur P. Terzyk and Dr. Eng. Emil Korzeniewski:

  1. Kujawa, S. Al-Gharabli, E. Korczeniewski, A. P. Terzyk, P. Bryk, E. Olewnik – Kruszkowska, W. Kujawski, Toward effective fluorinated terpolymer-based materials for desalination with superior mechanical, chemical and anti-icing features, Desalination 573 (2024) 117227 (IF=9.9, Q1, MNiSW=200)
  2. Kujawa, S. Boncel, S. Al-Gharabli, S. Koter, W. Kujawski, K. Kaneko, K. Li, E. Korczeniewski, A.P. Terzyk, Concerted role of PVDF and carbon nanomaterials for membrane science, Desalination 574 (2024) 117277  (IF=9.9, Q1, MNiSW=200)
  3. Korczeniewski, P. Bryk, P. Kowalczyk, A.Z. Wilczewska, S. Boncel R. Jędrysiak, M. Świdziński, S. Al-Gharabli, E. Olewnik – Kruszkowska, J. Kujawa, A.P. Terzyk,  From Hansen Solubility Parameters To New Anti-icing, Viscoelastic Sponges of Terpolymer of Tetrafluoroethylene, Vinylidenefluoride, and Hexafluoropropylene (THV), Chemical Engineering Journal,  (2024) (IF=15.1, Q1, MNiSW= 200).

The articles were devoted to new membranes for water desalination and new anti-ice surfaces.


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