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3w Competition Awards

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Students and graduates of our Faculty were among the winners of awards in the 3w (water, hydrogen, carbon) competition for the best bachelor's and master's theses on the innovative use of water, hydrogen or coal and water management, in the context of the challenges and opportunities facing Poland.

Patrycja Grabowska, B.Sc. won the first prize in the bachelor's thesis category (for the thesis entitled "Hybrid materials containing praseodymium oxide as effective catalysts for the process of obtaining green hydrogen", supervisor: Dr. hab. Anna Ilnicka, NCU Prof.), while Katarzyna Pianka, M.Sc., Eng. took the third place in the category of master's theses (“Multifunctional fluoropolymer membranes with controlled surface properties”, supervisor: Dr. hab. Joanna Kujawa, NCU Prof.).

The winners of the 3W Competition were announced during the third edition of the 3W Congress, which took place in Warsaw on 27-28 November 2023. The authors of the awarded theses also received cash prizes, which were funded by Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego. It is respectively PLN 10,000 for the first place, PLN 5,000 for the second place and PLN 2,000 for the third place in each category.

Congratulations and we wish you further success!

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