Excellence Initiative - Research University
ul. Gagarina 7, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611-43-02
fax: +48 56 611-45-26
e-mail: wydzial@chem.umk.pl


The Library of the Faculty of Chemistry (from September 1, 1993) began operating on January 17, 1971 as the Library of the Institute of Chemistry. It was created by combining five department libraries: Department of Physical Chemistry, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Department of General Chemistry, Department of Organic Chemistry and Department of Chemical Technology. Initially, the book collection numbered 12,000 books, 60 current journal titles and approx. 3,000 standards. The number of journals was supplemented by the deposit of 60 journal titles, the so-called ‘western’, borrowed from the collections of the Main Library. In 1977, the last book collection of the Department of Mineralogy and Crystallography was included.

Currently, the Faculty library is a scientific information center that combines the functions of academic textbooks and specialist scientific literature in the field of chemical and related sciences. The collections in the library are fully cataloged (they constitute over 38 thousand volumes) and made available through the ALMA computer system connected to the catalog of the University Library. Additionally, the Library has 9470 PN, BN, ISO standards. Through the participation of the University in consortia, readers have access to the REAXYS, ACS and RSC chemical databases.

3 computer stations (including 1 with software for the visually impaired) are at the readers’ disposal. In the library you can use wifi network via eduroam network.

Provision of book collections

The book collection is available on-site and borrowed outside.

The following are intended for use on-site:
– open-access volumes marked with a red stripe on the spine,
– magazines,
– encyclopedias and dictionaries,
– publications from before 1959,
– standards.

For rent outside:
– all volumes from free access and storage without any other markings.

Free access

The part of the library with free access to shelves is divided into sections, marked with colors and Roman numerals next to inventory signatures, eg General and inorganic chemistry – marking II and blue. In the open access book catalog, the following are marked: Place sign – reading room and Roman signature.

Opening hours:

Monday: 8.00 – 15.00
Tuesday: 8.00 – 14.00
Wednesday: 8.00 – 14.00
Thursday: 8.00 – 15.00
Friday: 8.00 – 14.00

Main Nicolaus Copernicus University Library
