Excellence Initiative - Research University
ul. Gagarina 7, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611-43-02
fax: +48 56 611-45-26
e-mail: wydzial@chem.umk.pl
zdjęcie nagłówkowe

Project Abstract

The aim of the project is to carry out industrial research and development works to develop the discovery (patent application No. P.424395 [WIPO ST 10 / C PL424395] of 28.01.2018 entitled “Method of carbon nanotubes manufacturing”) to the “know-how” market value. The “know-how” , will be licensed as an assumed commercialization manner of project results. “Know-how” should be understood as the technology leading to the production of new carbon nanotube (CNT)-grafen (GR) / carbon nanotube (CNT)- activated carbon (AC) hybrid materials, which will have new beneficial properties that are particularly useful for electrode/ion adsorbent manufacturing (product innovation). The growth of carbon nanotubes on carbon substrates (AC or GR) will occur due to thermal conversion of selected polymers in the solid phase, omitting the homolytic decomposition of the precursor to C* radicals, their transition to the gas phase and the secondary condensation/crystallization on a solid support (mechanism typical for 3 traditional, only known and used methods of CNT synthesis). The thermal conversion method is a novelty on a global scale.