Excellence Initiative - Research University
ul. Gagarina 7, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611-43-02
fax: +48 56 611-45-26
e-mail: wydzial@chem.umk.pl
zdjęcie nagłówkowe


  1. A. Ilnicka, M. Skorupska, M. Szkoda, Z. Zarach, P. Kamedulski, W. Zieliński, J. P. Lukaszewicz, Hybrid carbon materials based on activated carbon and graphene as electrodes for highly stable supercapacitors, conference organized by The Next Generation Group of the Carbon Society of Japan, conference on-line, 30.11.2021.
  2. A. Ilnicka, M. Skorupska, M. Szkoda, P. Kamedulski, W. Zieliński, J. P. Lukaszewicz, Hybrid nanostructured nitrogen-doped carbon as electrode for supercapacitors, 31st International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials, conference on-line, 6-9.09.2021.
  3. A. Ilnicka, P. Kamedulski, W. Zieliński, M. Skorupska, J. P. Lukaszewicz, Graphene-based hybrid carbon materials for electrochemical application, Webinar on Graphene Technology 2021, conference on-line, 24-25.03.2021.
  4. A. Ilnicka, M. Skorupska, P. Kamedulski, W. Zielinski, J. P. Lukaszewicz, Hybrid materials containing nitrogen-doped carbon and graphene, IGRAPHENE 2020, conference on-line, 19-20.10.2020.
  5. A. Ilnicka, P. Kamedulski, P. Nowak, W. Zielinski, J. P. Lukaszewicz, Free growth of carbon nanotubes from polymer on N-doped porous carbon surface, 2 nd Global Conference on Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Technologies, Lizbona (Portugalia),
  6. A. Ilnicka, W. Zielinski, M. Skorupska, A. Smolarkiewicz-Wyczachowski, P. Kamedulski, J. P. Lukaszewicz, Synthesis of porous hybrid carbon materials consist of activated carbon and carbon nanotube, 2 nd Global Conference on Carbon Nanotubes
    and Graphene Technologies, Lizbona (Portugalia), 13-14.02.2020.
  7. W. Zielinski, A. Ilnicka, A. Smolarkiewicz-Wyczachowski, Jerzy P. Lukaszewicz, The influence of proces parameters on the properties of hybrid materials containing nitrogen functional groups, XXV Conference of PTChit „New aspects in chemistry and the use of chitin and its derivatives”, Toruń, 25-27.09.2019.
  8. A. Ilnicka, W. Zielinski, A. Smolarkiewicz-Wyczachowski, M. Skorupska, R. Golembiewski, J. P. Lukaszewicz, Conversion of polymers to carbon tubes on a carbon substrate obtained from chitin, XXV Conference PTChit „New aspects in chemistry and the use of chitin and its derivatives”, Toruń, 25-27.09.2019.
  9. M. Skorupska, A. Ilnicka, W. Zielinski, J. P. Lukaszewicz, Carbon tubes – activated carbons hybrid materials obtained from chitosan and their structural properties, XXV Conference of PTChit „New aspects in chemistry and the use of chitin and its
    derivatives”, Toruń, 25-27.09.2019.
  10. A Ilnicka, J. P. Łukaszewicz, Termiczna konwersja polialkoholu furfurylowego do
    nanorurek węglowych, NanoBioMaterialy – from theory to application, Toruń, 6-7.06.2019.